Frequently Asked Parents Questions
Can you tell me about the commitment of time and how the program is structured?
The question is best answered by describing the divisions of play:
Instructional Division is for girls in grades 1 and 2. It is non-competitive, the players are taught the fundamental skills of lacrosse. We play an in-house league model where we break the division into 6 or more teams of 12-15 players per team. Each team is given a different name. The teams practice separately, but play each other during the season. A month or so into the season, we begin games on Saturday mornings from 9-12. During that time, each team will have 1 game and a practice. The games are played on a smaller field with 7 players on a team, and no goal keeper. The score is not kept, however, the games are refereed. West Hartford hosts a jamboree for other instructional level programs and we play a round robin format. If an opportunity presents itself for West Hartford to attend a jamboree we would likely send our teams. Cleats, stick, mouthguard and goggles are mandatory.
Bantam Division is made up of 3rd and 4th grade players. Bantam is a competitive division that occasionally travels to other towns within our area. They play on a modified filed with 8 players plus a goalie. There is no checking at this level and the 3 pass rule is in effect. Bantam players will have the opportunity to attend at least 1 jamboree. Cleats, stick, mouthguard and goggles are mandatory.
Junior Division is made up of 5th and 6th graders, new and experienced. This is a competitive division, which travels to other towns. Play is on a full field with 11 players and a goal keeper. There is modified checking at this level but NO three pass rule. Junior players will have the opportunity to attend at least 2 jamborees. Cleats, stick, mouthguard and goggles are mandatory.
Senior Division is made up of 7th and 8th graders, new and experienced. This is a competitive division which travels to other towns. Play is on a full field with 11 players and a goal keeper. There is modified checking (checking only the head of the stick if it falls below the shoulder) and in some circumstances full checking. There is no 3 pass rule in effect. Senior players will have the opportunity to attend at least 2 jamborees. Cleats, stick, mouthguard and goggles are mandatory.
When does the season start and what days are practices?
The season runs from the end of March through the second week of June. The schedule varies depending on which division a player is in. When we are able to get out on the fields is determined by the Town of West Hartford.
Instructional Division – Teams will practice one afternoon/evening per week and play games/practice on Saturday from 1-2. Games will be determined based on the number of teams we have.
Bantam Division - Team(s) will play 3 days a week, two weekday evenings per week and on Sunday's. Days of the week will be determined by March.
Junior Division - Teams will play 3 days a week, two weekday evenings per week and on Sunday's. Days of the week will be determined by March. All Junior teams practice/play at Duffy and Hall.
Senior Division - Teams will play 3 days a week, two weekday evenings per week and on Sunday's. Days of the week will be determined by March. All Senior teams practice/play at Hall.
Can I request which team my daughter is on?
No, we do not accept any team requests for carpooling or any other reason. We will provide you will information on other players on your daughters team and encourage you to contact them if you need carpooling. Keep in mind that several teams practice at the same time in the same location, which may help with sharing rides. We do not honor “friends” requests. There are plenty of opportunities outside of lacrosse for socialization. Please do not request a team for your daughter!
How does the league assign players to teams?
It is the philosophy of the league to provide balanced skill level and grade level teams. We evaluate all players that have been in the league before to assess skill level and make assignments to a team based on spreading out skill and grade levels. We then distribute new players based on grade level. When they move up divisions, they will be placed on a team accordingly (based on creating teams of equal strength). Our league manadates equal strength level teams (ie. no A or B teams).
What is your philosophy on playing time?
We operate under an equal playing time philosophy provided the player has attended all practices and games and has demonstrated effort and desire while practicing and playing. It is also our philosophy that players get experience playing a variety of positions to allow them to be well rounded players.
My daughter plays another sport in the spring, can she play lacrosse too?
It is our philosophy that lacrosse is a spring sport. Lacrosse is only offered in the spring. A player can choose to play another spring sport as long as lacrosse is the priority. We discourage players from signing up who can not make this committment. Please respect this, as we often have waiting lists.
What type of equipment is required? And what equipment is provided by the league?
The player must provide a GIRLS lacrosse stick, protective eyewear and cleats.
How do I know if a game or practice is cancelled due to weather?
All cancellations will be posted on the website as soon as we are made aware of them. We rely on the Town of West Hartford to make the decision regarding field closings, we will let you hear when they let us hear. You will not get a phone call from your coach. It is your responsibility to check this site.
What is your refund policy?
Upon request, full refunds, minus the cost of uniforms, will be given to players who drop out prior to March 15. Players must notify their division coordinator, in writing, of the request for a refund by March 15. Uniforms are nonrefundable.